
Book Cover

Nihilism, Modernism, and Value

"Nihilism, Modernism, and Value" is a collection of three accessible lectures exploring responses to nihilism by 19th and early 20th-century writers. It delves into the instability of values, examining psychological, sociological, and philosophical factors. The focus is on reintegration, using real-world experiences to clarify concepts. Featuring writers like Conrad, Nietzsche, and Woolf, the book requires no prior knowledge of these figures, offering insights into still-relevant problems with an engaging narrative. Praised for its insightful and thrilling approach, it continues the legacy of John Fraser's critically acclaimed works.

PHILOSOPHY / General; ; | nihilism, modernism, value, ennui, organicism | John Fraser
Book Cover

Pushing Back: Language, Truth, and Consequences

"Pushing Back" challenges literary theories that restrict the exploration of truth and value in poetry, advocating for a balance between metaphorical insights and the grounding in real-world experiences. Fraser disputes fixed categories, favoring a practical approach to language that embraces local precision and communal resonance. Exploring ordinary language, he addresses the works and ideas of various literary figures and theories with a mix of approval and caution. The book also critiques nihilism and oversimplified truths, emphasizing the significance of political engagement and celebrating literary contributions across cultures and periods.

LITERARY CRITICISM / Poetry; PHILOSOPHY / Language; | Literary communication,Deconstruction,romantic vision,figurative language,Swift,GĂ©rard de Nerval | John Fraser

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