
Book Cover

A Course in Miracles - Explanations of Major Themes

This eBook serves as an accessible guide to understanding "A Course in Miracles," a complex spiritual text. It begins with introductory insights about the Course's origins, essence, and key concepts, supplemented by charts for clarity. Featuring 33 articles and diagrams, the book delves into the Course's metaphysical and practical lessons. Also included are two bonus chapters from the author's other works, enhancing the exploration of healing and forgiveness. These writings offer the author’s interpretation of the Course's teachings, aiming to inspire a deeper study of its profound yet challenging wisdom.

BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Healing / Prayer & Spiritual; PHILOSOPHY / Logic; | A Course in Miracles, Michael Dawson,Healing the Cause,The Findhorn Book of Forgiveness,acim,inner | Michael Dawson
Book Cover

Forgiveness: A Path to Inner Peace - Inspired by A Course in Miracles

This book reveals that true peace begins with self-forgiveness, urging us to look inward rather than blaming external circumstances for our pain. It provides practical steps for practicing forgiveness daily, incorporating case studies and stories of healing. By embracing forgiveness, we reflect healing in our world, aligning with the principles of 'A Course in Miracles.' Though inspired by the Course, the insights are accessible to all, guiding readers towards inner peace and understanding through forgiveness.

BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Healing / Prayer & Spiritual; SELF-HELP / Spiritual; | forgiveness, A Course in Miracles, inner peace, forgive,heal, healing, forgiving,acim, miracle | Michael Dawson
Book Cover

Healing the Cause - A Path of Forgiveness - Inspired by A Course in Miracles

Healing the Cause, inspired by A Course in Miracles, delves into the illusion of sickness and the necessity of understanding it for healing. It underscores that true health is inner peace, stemming from forgiveness and recognizing our spiritual identity over our physical form. Michael Dawson emphasizes that disease originates in the mind from guilt, and through forgiveness, we can rediscover our true essence and achieve healing. This book serves as an insightful introduction to the principles of sickness, healing, forgiveness, and prayer in A Course in Miracles.

BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Healing / Prayer & Spiritual; HEALTH & FITNESS / Healing; | Healing the Cause,Michael Dawson,Course in Miracles,miracles,acim,forgiveness,forgive,inner peace,bo | Michael Dawson
Book Cover

Hineni: My Walk Into Beautiful Life

"Hineni" is a compelling autobiography showcasing a 40-year journey towards self-acceptance by a gay mystic wrestling with societal rejection and self-doubt. Facing immense challenges, including depression and suicidal thoughts, the author embarks on a profound spiritual journey, guided by an unexpected Voice. Through exploring various religious and spiritual paths, from Quakerism to A Course in Miracles, the author learns to embrace his unique gifts. This book is a testament to the power of inner guidance and personal integrity, offering hope and inspiration to anyone on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Inspiration & Personal Growth; SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Self-Esteem; BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / LGBTQ+ | Spirituality, Course in Miracles, 12 Step Recovery, Men's Work, GLBT, Mysticism | S. Joshua Mendel

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