
Book Cover

A Pragmatic Introduction to Middle Manager Fundamentals: Part 1 - Role and Function

Managing remote line managers poses the biggest challenge for middle managers, as they seldom observe them "on the job" and may receive a distorted view of their performance. Without daily interaction, overseeing their work becomes tough. To succeed, middle managers must adopt a clear strategy, learn new skills, and enforce standard policies. This guide offers a strategy for effective distance management, helping middle managers enhance remote business unit management.

BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Leadership; ; | Middle Manager, Middle Management, Leader of managers, manager performance, | Anthony Dance
Book Cover

A Pragmatic Introduction to Middle Manager Fundamentals: Part 2 - Managing at a Distance

Managing remote line managers is a top challenge for middle managers, due to rare in-person interactions and the potential for skewed performance presentations. Without regular contact, overseeing line manager performance becomes tough. Success in remote management requires a clear strategy, new skills, and strict policies. This guide offers a strategy to help middle managers excel in overseeing distant business units effectively.

BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management; COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS / General; COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS / General | Middle Manager, Leader of Managers, managing remote team, managing at a distance | Anthony Dance
Book Cover

A Pragmatic Introduction to Middle Manager Fundamentals: Part 3 - Manager Performance Management

Middle managers are crucial in driving the performance of their line managers. This guide introduces the Manager Performance Management (MPM) process, offering practical steps for handling both new and experienced line managers, especially in cases of underperformance. It equips middle managers with strategies to manage at a distance and tackle performance issues professionally, ensuring they can effectively address challenges and improve their team's output.

BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management; COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS / General; COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS / General | Middle Manager, Leader of Managers, managing remote team, managing at a distance | Anthony Dance

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