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A Parliament for the Earth

Global challenges demand worldwide answers. This book introduces an innovative electoral system for creating a world parliament. It outlines how collective, global decision-making could effectively address Earth's most pressing issues through unified governance. Discover the transformative potential of a global democratic process.

POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Campaigns & Elections; PHILOSOPHY / Political; | | Aline de Valdomond
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De Val

In "De Val" onthult de oeroude geestescommunicator Joseph, via trancemedium Michael G. Reccia, verborgen spirituele waarheden. Joseph, die duizenden jaren in een verlichte realiteit leeft, beweert dat wij meer zijn dan we denken en belangrijke gebeurtenissen zijn vergeten die onze disfunctionele samenleving heeft gevormd. Elk hoofdstuk biedt inzichten in onze spirituele oorsprong en belooft antwoorden op levensgrote mysteries. Dit boek belicht onze essentiële rol in het universum en biedt kennis die resoneren moet met onze ziel van voor onze existentiële 'Val', met als doel ons te leiden naar spirituele bevrijding en het herstel van de Aarde.

BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Afterlife & Reincarnation; BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Ancient Mysteries & Controversial Knowledge; BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Angels & Spirit Guides | Angels, De val, geest | Michael G. Reccia, Paul De Troyer
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In Search of an Economic Quantum In the World Economy.

Can we define an "economic quantum" at an individual level, a basic unit that contributes to the global GDP? This exploration considers whether this unit could be based on the individual's physical output or likened to the GDP of an ancient citizen with many slaves. Today, an average European's energy use far exceeds that of historical equivalents. Written by a student in "scientific economy," this essay navigates through economic theories, historical perspectives, demographic impacts, and the quest for ecological balance. It uncovers "economic wars," critiques current systems, and proposes a speculative model for global organization.

BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Economics / General; POLITICAL SCIENCE / International Relations / General; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Econometrics | economy world laws | Aline de Valdomond
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Lug Nuts: Why so many auto recalls?

In "Lug Nuts," I share true tales from my 40 years with a US "Big Three" automaker, aiming to shed light on the plethora of auto recalls and impart lessons on how not to run a business. While names and places are altered, the stories within are real and provide valuable insights for business professionals.

HUMOR / General; ; | Auto recalls | Rocky Spino

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