
Book Cover

Perkins Activity and Resource Guide - Chapter 4: Functional Academics: Second Edition: Revised and Updated

This chapter focuses on tailoring educational approaches for learners with visual and multiple disabilities, emphasizing life-skill acquisition over traditional academic curriculum. Recognizing that these students may need more time to learn and might struggle to apply skills across different settings, it underscores the importance of identifying and practicing skills that enhance their independence. It advocates for multiple practice opportunities to prepare students for independent living.

EDUCATION / Special Education / General; ; | visual impairment, deafblindness, blind, functional academics, multiple disabilities, blind, | Mary Jane Clark
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Perkins Activity and Resource Guide Chapter 1 -Teaching Children With Multiple Disabilities: An Overview: Second Edition: Revised and Updated

This book serves as a resource for professionals, parents, and caregivers aiding children with visual and multiple disabilities. It outlines effective teaching strategies and guidelines to ensure educational success, starting with an overview in Chapter One.

EDUCATION / Special Education / General; EDUCATION / Special Education / Communicative Disorders; EDUCATION / Special Education / Developmental & Intellectual Disabilities | blind, visually impaired, multiple disabilties, functional, teaching strategies, education | Charlotte Cushman, Marianne Riggio
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Perkins Activity and Resource Guide Chapter 2 - Foundations of Learning Language, Cognition, and Social Relationships: Second Edition: Revised and Updated

The Perkins Activity and Resource Guide offers insightful strategies for educators and caregivers of students with visual and multiple disabilities. This specific chapter emphasizes the interconnection between communication, social relationships, and cognition, urging that these elements should not be taught in isolation but integrated into daily activities. It advocates for a holistic approach to teaching, ensuring these fundamental aspects are considered continuously throughout the day's various activities.

EDUCATION / Special Education / General; REFERENCE / General; | blind, blindness, visual impairment, disability, multiple disabilities, handicap, special education, | Charlotte Cushman M.Ed.
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Perkins Activity and Resource Guide Chapter 3: Motor Development: Gross and Fine Motor Skills: Second Edition: Revised and Updated

This chapter explores key aspects and activities essential for motor development, highlighting the natural progression of motor skills. It addresses how disruptions in visual, auditory, or motor systems can delay this development, with a particular focus on children completely blind since birth, who experience the most significant delays.

EDUCATION / Special Education / General; ; | blind, blindness, visual impairment, motor development, gross motor skills, fine motor skills | Kathy Heydt, Monica Allon
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Perkins Activity and Resource Guide: A Handbook for Teachers and Parents of Students with Visual and Multiple Disabilities

New 3rd edition out now! This essential guide offers countless instructional activities for young children with visual impairments and multiple disabilities. Authored by experts, it's organized into easy-to-navigate sections covering various instructional domains. Its user-friendly, loose-leaf format allows for quick access to specific sections, making it a must-have resource for practical suggestions in specialized education.

EDUCATION / Special Education / General; ; | visual impairment, blind, special education, functional curriculum | Charlotte Cushman, Kathy Heydt, Monica Allon

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